Rahmad Rahmad, Fitria Fitria, Adriansyah Adriansyah


PT. PLN (Persero) as one of the energy providers and distributes (or sells) to customers, even though there is no competitor (monopoly) at the downstream or retail level to the hands of customers, but it becomes an obligation for the company to provide customer value. relatively cheap price (percieved price), improve the image of the company (corporate image) and continue to improve the quality of service (service quality) maximum. If these four variables are implemented properly, it will affect electricity customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to analyze how much the level of expectation and performance of Customer Value, Perceived Price, Corporate Image and Service Quality of PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi for customers with power above 3,500 VA. The research sample is the customers of PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi specifically for industrial tariff customers and business tariffs with power above 3.5 kVa as many as 125 questionnaires. Analysis of research data using the Importance Performance Analysis method or Analysis of the Level of Interest and Performance/Customer Satisfaction. The results of this study, namely the variable customer value (customer value) is categorized as quite satisfactory and satisfactory. The perceived price variable is categorized as unsatisfactory and quite satisfactory, the corporate image variable is categorized as satisfactory, unsatisfactory, and quite satisfactory, the service quality variable is categorized as unsatisfactory and quite satisfactory.


Keywords: corporate image and service quality; customer value; level of customer expectations; performance; perceived price


PT. PLN (Persero) sebagai salah satu perusahaan penyedia energi dan mendistribusikan (atau menjual) pada pelanggan, walaupun tidak ada pesaingnya (monopoli) ditingkat hilir atau retail hingga ke tangan pelanggan,  tapi menjadi suatu kewajiban bagi perusahaan untuk memberikan nilai pelanggan (customer value), relatif murah harganya (percieved price),  meningkatkan citra perusahaan (corporate image) dan  terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan (service quality) yang maksimal. Apabila empat variabel tersebut dilaksanakan dengan baik, maka akan mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) listrik. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis seberapa besar tingkat harapan dan kinerja Nilai Pelanggan (Customer Value) ,  Persepsi Harga (Perceived Price),  Citra Perusahaan (Corporate Image) dan  Kualitas Pelayanan (Service quality)   PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi bagi pelanggan dengan daya diatas 3.500 VA . Sampel penelitian adalah adalah pelanggan PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi khusus pelanggan tarip industri dan tarip bisnis dengan daya diatas 3,5 kVa sebanyak 125 kuesioner. Analisis data penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis atau Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan dan Kinerja/Kepuasan Pelanggan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Variabel Nilai Pelanggan (customer value) dikategorikan cukup memuaskan dan, memuaskan . Variabel Persepsi Harga (perceived price) dikategorikan kurang memuaskan  dan cukup memuaskan , Variabel Citra Perusahaan (corporate image) dikategorikan memuaskan , kurang memuaskan,dan  cukup memuaskan, Variabel Kualitas Pelayanan (service quality) ,dikategorikan  kurang memuaskan dan  cukup memuaskan.

 Kata kunci  : tingkat harapan Pelanggan, kinerja,  Nilai PelangganPersepsi HargaCitra Perusahaan, Kualitas Pelayanan

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