Analisis Pengembangan Industri Kecil di Kabupaten Solok
Economic crisis gave many negative impact toward the business wolrd, however, in one case at the time the big industry keep survive and they are even as the main support of the going of economic activity. So that the goverment focus to create the policy to develop both home industry and small industry by widely given bank credit facility to increase the capital. This research tried to see the development of small and home industry after the economic crisis by observing the influence of giveing bank credit for capital of business and the influence of workers toward the product increase value of small and home industry by using regression model in developing small indusry lan in Solok Regency. Looking at F statistic F 7,279 and the value t-test of credit and workers of each 3,802 and -2,331 meant that 99 and 90% value. That capital addition and workers hace big influence toward the product or output.
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