Prospek Industri Pariwisata dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Propinsi Sumatera Barat
Unemployment has become a serious problem in Weset Sumatra. The growing up number and it's urgency to be handle. On the other hand the tourism potential resources open an opportunity to develop tourism industry that might create the demand for labor to support the industry activity. The research held in West Sumatra Province using the data of National survey of Man Power in 2007, and used 3,939 samples. With the Logistic Methode, we have come to conclusion that the probility of labor in tourism industry was influenced by educational background, skill training background, salary, working hours and experienced. This researxh also try to analyze the prospect or tourism industry in West Sumatra using the growth of tourism industry data, tourist visited data, and the number of workersin tourism industry from the year 1994 until 2006. By using the projection methode, we have came to conclusion that the tourism industry has a potential prospect in the future. Based on the research result, the potential prospect of tourism should be used and supported by all stake holders, on the other hands, labors should increased they skill and knowlegde by joining the training program that based on competence standard of basic training in tourism and the oppoturnity of the growth of tourism industry could be one of the solutions to solving unemployment problem in West Sumatra.
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