Kluster Jasa Pengiriman Barang Paket POS dan Alternatifnya di Kota Padang
Marketing is the main core of firm performance by accepted customerto increase utility and profit maximalization. This research purposed to analyze the classification firm by segmentation, targeting, and positioning model in service delivery post and others in Padang Munipacility. Descriptive-verifikative method used to analyze problem as research design. Customers that used services delivery package by POS Indonesia, TIKI, FEDEX, and DHL are population of this research. Sampling method is convenince sampling or non parametric sampling that used to identify samples consist of 100 customers that used service delivery package by POS Indonesia, TIKI, FEDEX, and DHL in Padang Munipacility. Statistical method in this research to find out empirical result by hyothesis teting is K-Means Cluster with correspondence method in Principal Component Analysis. Overall, the result shows that market segmentation consist of two classification: firts segmentation (FEDEX adn DHL), second segmentation (PT. Pos Indonesia and TIKI). In addition, PT. POS Indonesia and TIKI have a similiar market positioning within cluster by marketing mix analysis but differented kuadran in coordinate of centroid attributes. Hypotesis test found that time delivery and physical service delivery haven't significant influenced, but coverage, time operational, price, service image, service benefit, service quality, and personal selling have significant related to service delivery component by PT. POS Indonesia, TIKI, FEDEX, and DHL in Padang Munifacility.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.47896/je.v7i1.341
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