Helmi Ali


This study aims to classify the regional development banks (BPD) were 26 pieces in Indonesia in 2010 based on financial ratios method used in this study is
the analysis and factor analysis of hierarchical clusters. Factor analysis is an inferential statistical analysis techniques that aim to explain the structure of the
relationship between the observed variables, with the way some of the factors that generate fewer than the number of original variables. The variable factor is
liquidity risk analysis, loan to deposit ratio, non-performing loans, return on assets, capital adequacy ratio, interest rate risk, deposit ratio, capital ratio, return on equity, interest income ratio, interest cost ratio, net interest margins and fixed assets to capital ratio. After factor analysis followed by hierarchical clusters analysis. The results of the factor analysis showed after rotated, it can be concluded that the two variables are extracted and stay 11 variables that can be
reduced to 3 factors. All three of these factors will be given a name, which is a factor of 1): efficiency risk and solvency risk of factors; factor of 2): interest risk and efficiency risk factors and the factors of 3): efficiency risk and credit risk of factors. Analysis of obtained hierarchical clusters, clusters 1 consists of BPD Sulawesi Tenggara, BPD Kalimantan Timur, PT.Bank DKI, PT.Bank Lampung, PT.Bank Aceh, PT.BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk, PT.BPD Bengkulu, PT. BPD Jawa Tengah, PT.BPD Sulawesi Utara, PT.BPD Kalimantan Selatan and PT.BPD Sumatera Selatan and Bangka Belitung. Eleven banks grouped in a clump of Banking Ratio because it has a similar, relatively large value. Banking Ratio great show good performance. At 2 there is a clump of BPD Yogyakarta, PT.BPD Jambi, PT.BPD Sulawesi Selatan dan Barat, PT.BPD Riau and Kepulauan Riau, PT.BPD Sumatera Barat, PT.BPD Maluku, PT.BPD Jawa Timur, PT.BPD Bali and PT.BPD Sumatera Utara. The nine banks are grouped in a clump as it has about the same risk factors. In clusters 3, there PT. Bank Kalimantan Tengah, PT. BPD Nusa Tenggara Barat, PT.BPD Nusa Tenggara Timur, and PT.BPD Papua. All four banks above are grouped into one clump due to the ability and efficiency of risk assets pretty good. At 4 clusters contained BPD Central Sulawesi, marginalized
and have extreme data in the development and training needs.

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